Top Ten Tuesday: Characters That Remind Me of Myself

Top Ten (1)Hi guys!! Are you ready for a new Top Ten Tuesday?  ( If you do not know what TTT is, you can read all about it at That Artsy Reader Girl.) This week theme really talked to me, as I imagined myself so many times propelled into worlds of fiction: Characters that remind me of myself!

  1. Hermione Granger
    There is no way around it: Hermione is me. With a bit more magic. I have bushy hair, I was head of the class and I often felt like I didn’t belong. It was instant love between Hermione and me because I recognized myself SO MUCH in her and she was an amazing model!
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  2. Nina Zenik
    The biggest thing we have in common: our love for waffles, chocolate, and strawberries. We would have the best times together! But other than that, I feel we are close when it comes to how we react to things and our behavior!
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  3. Belle – Beauty and the Beast
    Another pretty obvious one but Belle is THE bookworm and I’m pretty sure all of us kind of recognize ourselves in her! Plus, a prince is not a bad thing to end up with right :p
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  4. Melanie – Angels Unlimited
    I LOVED this series and this character SO MUCH. I recognized myself in her doubts but also her will to do good. How her appearance was not always showing her true self, and that’s how I feel pretty often haha. Plus, despite being dead and an angel, she had a pretty awesome life!
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  5. Alexia Tarabotti – The Parasol Protectorate
    I love how pragmatic and yet passionate Alexia is in this incredible series (just talking about it makes me want to reread it!). That’s how I like to think I am :p
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  6. Percy Jackson – Percy Jackson and the Gods of Olympus
    Because of his fierce loyalty to his friends, I’m that kind of person too! And I kind of have his talent to get myself into trouble sometimes!
  7. Résultats de recherche d'images pour « gif percy jackson »(maybe I’m more of a Grover??)
  8. Eliza – Eliza and her monsters
    I remember really feeling connected to this character and her pains in the book. I don’t have her talent though!
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  9. Peregrin Took – The Lord of the Rings
    I have a silly side that is very similar to his, plus, if there is something to drop that will call all the goblins around, I will be the one dropping it! And I am definitely a Hobbit when it comes to way of living 😉
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  10. Morrigan – A court of mist and fury
    There are many ways in which I find myself in Morrigan..but I don’t want to spoil it for the people who didn’t finish the trilogy yet! I recognize myself in her love for dancing, clothing and her humor!
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  11. Scarlett Dragna- Caraval
    Last but not least: Scarlett! While diving into Finale, I am reminded how close I feel with her. Her want to do good, her secret wishes for some danger (aka Julian) but also not so sure she wants that? Yup, that’s me! Also, I would love to have her magical gown 😉
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What about you? Which characters do you recognize yourself with??

See you for a cup!


33 réflexions sur “Top Ten Tuesday: Characters That Remind Me of Myself

  1. liviepearl dit :

    I relate to some aspects of Hermione, but some not at all. I almost put Harry, but then I wasn’t sure if that was because of similar personalities or that I can relate better because we are essentially seeing his point of view. And then I tried to avoid the more realistic version, the erratic Ron. I love Ron but don’t want to be like Ron.

    I’m definitely a hobbit. I didn’t think of any Lord of the Rings characters for my list though.

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  2. KliScruggs dit :

    It’s so much fun how many people all see themselves in Hermoine and Belle, that’s definitely true of me as well! I also really loved Eliza and Her Monsters—I think the pressure for her to succeed is really relatable. I also think the accountability with her parents was handled really well.

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