Top Ten Tuesday: Books I dream to see as movies

Top Ten (1)

Hi guys!! Are you ready for a new Top Ten Tuesday?  ( If you do not know what TTT is, you can read all about it at That Artsy Reader Girl.) This week theme: Books to movies freebie! And for me, I chose Books I dream to see as movies/TV Shows!

  1. A court of thorns and roses – Sarah J Maas: because of all the magic, of Prythian and Velaris and ALL THE SEXY FAERIES!
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  2. Daughter of Smoke and Bone – Laini Taylor: I know I know, I’m like a broken record with that book series but I loved it wayyyyy too much. And seeing Karou and Zuzana.
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  3. Vicious – VE Schwab: I want to see the characters for real! I would be dark and beautiful! Netflix do you hear me???
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  4. The Renegades – Marissa Meyer: All these super heroes … I want to see them on screen!
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  5. Illuminae – Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff: it would be just BRILLIANT with an amazing cast! All the space adventure would make perfect movies!
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  6. Soulless – Gail Carriger: Sexy werewolf, Victorian England and badass female character? What else do I need to say! I NEEEEED it!
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  7. Rebel of the Sands – Alwyn Hamilton: All the magic of Miraji (+ Amani and Jin) on screen? It would be a dream come true!
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  8. Eragon – Christopher Paolini: because we deserve a REAL good movie for this incredible series (talking about all the DRAGONS here!)
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  9. Caraval – Stephanie Garber: all the colorful magic and beauty of Caraval…. I want to see that for real, not just in my head! (also Scarlett magical gown!!)
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  10. A curious beginning – Deanna Raybourn: Victorian England + murder mysteries + political plots + awesome main character. It’s all I love!
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Here is my top 10! I could probably add 100 books to that list but one has to stop 😉 What would be the books I’d dream to see on screen?

See you for a cup!


32 réflexions sur “Top Ten Tuesday: Books I dream to see as movies

  1. Marti (Bookish Treats) dit :

    I would LOVE a Vicious and an Illuminae movie/T.V. Show! It would be absolutely iconic. (Though I would be nervous they got it right. I think I saw on V.E. Shwab’s Twitter that Vicious is turning into a Netflix series soon!

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  2. Once Upon A Bookshelf dit :

    OMG I completely agree with you on Illuminae! It would be a visionary work of art to see that on the big screen! And OMG I had Caraval on my list too! The world is so magical that it would be stunning to see it in theatres! Ooooo Vicious is actually on my TBR! I can’t wait to pick it up! Great choices btw! 🙂

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