10 Books linked to specific moments in my life

Top Ten

Hey Guys! It’s Top Ten Tuesday (go check the original post on the matter at That Artsy Girl), and this week theme is a bit special: Books with Sensory Memories.

These are the books that are linked to very specific memories for you: where you were, what time of year it was, who you were with, what you were eating, what you were feeling, what you were seeing, etc. Ideas include books you read while on vacation, books that you read while you were eating, books you read at work/at a family or social event/on the train or plane, books you’ve buddy read with loved ones, books you read during an emotional time in your life, books you read by the fire, etc.) (Submitted by Jessica @ A Cocoon of Books

At first, when I read about that… I was not sure… I had no book in mind. But then, I took 3 minutes to think (instead of just saying « this doesn’t work for me ») and came up with some books!


1. The Raven boys – Maggie Stiefvater

It was the first book I read with someone from bookstagram who is now one of my best friends there! It was a bit over a year ago now, time flies!

The Host (The Host, #1)

2. The Host – Stephanie Meyer

I read this book when I was doing my engineering studies. At that time, I was not reading much anymore because of all the classes and work to do. But I remember picking up The Host and reading it in one day and loving it!

La Quête d'Ewilan (Intégrale)

3. La quête d’Ewilan – Pierre Bottero

Pierre Bottero (my favorite author – french) is very special to me because I told my mom to read his books, she loved them, and then give them to my grand-pa too. So the books are like a connection between the three of us!


4. Warcross – Marie Lu

I read this one at the Paris airport, waiting for my correspondence, and couldn’t put it down!


5. Eat, Pray, Love – Elizabeth Gilbert

Eat, Pray, Love is all about senses! Especially the Italian and Bali parts that made me drool and dream! It does not remind me of memories but it makes me want to build some in an Italian restaurant or a Bali road.


6. Harry Potter – JK Rowling

I have so many memories of Harry Potter, I could not pick! Again, read with my mom and grandpa. Read in the bed, in the pool, in the car, super late at night, hidden from my parents ( I was 11 and supposed to sleep for school). The Harry Potter’s books were with me on so many occasions!


7. Eragon – Christopher Paoli

I remember this series as one of the first of the genre I read. I also remember taking this huge book on a summer family trip and my dad kept telling me to just put it down and enjoy the landscape. Didn’t get I was flying with dragons!


8. Me before You – JoJo Moyes

I do not read romance very often, but this one was so talked about, I thought I would try. I read it last summer, near the pool, and remember starting to cry non-stop while sunbathing.

Winging It (Angels Unlimited, #1)

9. Angels Unlimited – Annie Dalton

I read this series when I was super young and I was CRAZY about it. I remember always looking at the newest one in store and then jumping on it and reading it in a day because I loved them SO MUCH. And then re-reading them all over and over again! I know I’m too old for that now, but I still want to finish this series and read them all one more time.


10. The Lord of the Rings – JRR Tolkien

I’ve loved the LOTR movies forever but it took me a long time to get to the books. I managed to read them thanks to a read-along organized on tumblr. It was a wonderful adventure and now, I’m organizing my own read-along for these books!

What about books that have sensory memories for you? Let me know!

See you for a cup!


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